The following are the minimum requirements all churches must meet in order to be listed in this directory. These requirements are subject to change without notice.
- Church Leadership (Pastor, Elder, etc..,) must be biologically male and present themselves as such (1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9).
- Church(es) and Church Leadership does not endorse, condone or engage in any activities that run counter to the biblical definition of:
- Marriage (Exclusive union of one man and one woman for as long as they both shall live.)
- Gender (God created humans as male and female, and did not err in that creation.)
- Sexual Intimacy (Heterosexual in nature and only occur within a marriage relationship as described above.)
- Church(es) and Church Leadership does not endorse, condone, or engage in philosophical and/or religious theories/doctrine (CRT, Intersectionality, Third Wave, Oneness, etc) that seeks to undermine, deny, or falsely represent God and/or His Image Bearers (for further clarification see The Statement on Social Justice & The Gospel).
- Church(es) and Church Leadership must Affirm in some fashion (wording that indicates agreement of) to the "Five Solas of the Reformation": sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), sola fide (faith alone), sola gratia (grace alone), solus Christus (Christ alone), and soli Deo gloria (God’s glory alone).
- Church(es) and Church Leadership must Affirm in some fashion (wording that indicates agreement of) to the Doctrines of Grace (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the Saints | for additional explanation and understanding, refer to series by R.C. Sproul on TULIP and Reformed Theology).
- Church(es) and Church Leadership must Affirm the sacraments/ordinances of the church are baptism with water * and the Lord’s Supper (Communion) *, which are symbols of our salvation and covenant with God.
* We understand there are varying doctrinal beliefs in regards to this, and how these sacraments and/or ordinances are applicable. Please note our intent IS NOT to infer one position (Paedo or Credo) above the other, we leave that distinction to the respective churches listed.